We can provide comprehensive IT support for SMEs. We have varying support packages, ranging from telephone support only, to on-site visits which can be tailored to suit. We are committed to providing the fastest response and fix times.
Working in conjunction with vendor support and maintenance contracts, we offer a flexible, responsive and comprehensive solution. Offering clients access to skilled professionals from the outset, no telephone call centres or level one support staff. This combination has proved popular with our clients, as it offers the peace of mind that comes from fast delivery of vendor hardware components, whilst still providing expertise with the in depth knowledge of the clients specific implementation.
Not all problems can be solved remotely, we understand that at Rowton IT. We can attend site all over the UK when needed. Whether this is a one off or a re occurring support package. We have several customers using Rowton IT engineers effectively as their own in house IT department, with engineers on site every week. With regular reviews we can provide an adaptive on site package that increases or decreases depending on your circumstances.
We can provide a review of your existing IT infrastructure as a whole, in order to ensure that you are meeting your IT related objectives and processes for reliability, recoverability, performance and best practise. Such reviews can also be provided for subsets of your IT infrastructure, for example the review could be limited to a single server or group of servers.